Tuesday, June 26, 2007

A new toy

Like every morning, mama gave me this strange tool. I think it's called toothbrush. I like to suck it, bite it and throw it on the floor, but I am not sure what it is really for....maybe one day I'll know!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Crawling exercises

One more try....

A little rest.....

Almost there......

Monday, June 18, 2007

My first drive

I had a lot of fun this weekend with Mom and Papa.
I had my first driving experience with Papa and it was a lot of fun. The handle looked very good so I tried to bite it but it had no taste.....

After that we went home and got ready for bath and bed!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


I don't know if it's only a mouth exercise, one of those many sounds that he makes trying to communicate but my lovely baby has learned to say"MAMMA". Every day it has been some kind of personal challenge, spelling out the word Mamma expecting Chris to repeat after like it would be the greatest achievement of my life. Oh, well, finally my Little Prince made it! He says it out loud and clear: Mamma, mamma, mamma!
At first I thought that it really was just an involontary reaction, but now I am starting to believe that he KNOWS! It's like he is calling me, telling me he needs me, asking me to hold him!
Is it just make believe? Wishful thinking? Who cares after all. What is important is that my baby knows who I am and unconditionally reaches out for me. I am his Mamma anyway, even if he can't say the word, right?!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Long time no see!

Sorry for the long silence but after we came back from Italy I have been so busy with work, business trip to Shanghai and most of all: recovering from all of the above!!!
Of course, in these weeks time has not stopped and Chris keeps getting bigger and more reactive to every thing around him.
I have not weighted him lately or either measure how tall he his. I can't keep up with his quick pace and so we go by the size of his clothes. Now he wears 80cm/12months outfits. Fortunately, during our trip to Italy we received sooooo many presents and 99% of them were clothes. I was so looking forward to buying the latest, cutest things for my baby, but instead all our friends, relatives and family acquantainces thought that we might need exactly what I was planning to buy.... As a result we came back to Japan with about 20 complete outfits for Chris including 2 hats, 5 bibs and 3 pairs of shoes!!! Isn't this great or what!!!
The little Prince now has 4 more teeth. All came out overnight, at once and you can see them very clearly in the picture I was able to take after many, many trials.
He can't quite crawl but getting very close. He sits all by himself though and turns around as much as he likes. During the day this is Ok and he plays a lot like this. The problem comes at night... he can't sleep still and he moves around the bed, upside down, whatever strange position he can find seems to be his favourite. If we had no bars on the bed he would be falling every night, many many times!! Shun reminds me that I sleep in the same way and continuosly asks me how I could ever teach Chris all the tricks so fast!!!
His top favourite game of the moment seems to clapping his hands. We do it all together and he simply enjoys it like it's the most exciting thing in the whole world. In the morning when he wakes up that's the first thing he does...how cute!!!
Every day is a new adventure, something new to explore and discover. Now that he is starting to respond to whatever is around is so much fun and the stress of a day at work just disappears when I see his cute 6 teeth smile!!
Can't ever get tired of it!!!