Monday, March 12, 2007


This weekend was spent at home! We are all sick! The three of us. This year I was not spared. It's been almost 3 years I haven' t caught a cold like this. I guess it was time!!! Also our little Chris is sick. Poor little baby. He has runny nose and cough. He sneezes here and then but does not cry. It's incredible how good this baby is. He is always in a good mood and has a cute smile to offer to everybody. He has also become the mascot of the hospital. We went on Saturday for his 6 month check up, and the girls at the reception all took turns to hold him and the nurses play and laugh with him all the time. The doctor told us that he is growing good and healthy. She said that very soon he will probably start crawling. She thoroughly visited him and he kept playing on the bed, having conversations with the doctor who continuosly talked to him.
Now he weights 8100grams and is over 66cm long! A real giant who soon will be like his tall daddy!! I keep buying bigger sizes to keep up with his progress, but sometimes it's just too sad when you have to put away things he only wore twice!!! I always think I should be a more careful shopper but it's not possible to leave so many cute little clothes in the store!!! My italian fashion sense always pops up in these cases!!
Will have to save a lot before going home...or otherwise I must stay away from the shops!!!!


Unknown said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, i hope you will be better soon. Gio i need to say it in italian:
'Avete concepito un capolavoro, Chris E' TROPPO BELLO!!'.I can see from the pictures that Chris is always smiling and that's because he has a mamy and daddy taking care of him so nicely.

Anonymous said...

Ciao Gio! I'm so sorry to hear that all 3 of you are sick! I'm sure you'll recover very soon. Chris looks like a very healthy little boy and he's soooo cute!!! I can't wait to see him in May. You better show him my picture! I want him to know who I am so that he'll be happy to be held by "aunt Laura"!! Wow, 66cm long! Sure soon he'll be taller than his Mommy! ;-) Gio, get ready to shop because I saw so many beautiful little clothes around. And you know, I'm going to become an habitué of that kind of shops. By the way, my sister is supposed to give birth to her little boy around March 25. I can't wait!!! Un bacione

Campbell Family said...

Hey, guys, I'm so glad to find your blog! Chris is such a cutie and so big already! We really miss Japan and hope to come back someday, but that doesn't look like it will happen anytime soon. Anyway, I look forward to keeping up with you through your blog. Come visit us in Oregon! Love -- Laura, Rusty, and Alex